2X the Harvest with 61% LEss water?
Thirsty Earth is the perfect solution for saving water and maximizing production
Now you can have a worry-free, automatic garden watering system AND use 61% less water than drip line irrigation! The Thirsty Earth Olla Watering System for your garden gives you bigger harvests by combining ollas for gardening with modern irrigation technology. Power or no power, Thirsty Earth has you covered.
Water Conservation On The Homestead
Water usage on a typical farm or homestead can vary widely based on factors such as the type of crops grown, livestock kept, local climate, and specific practices in place. But generally speaking, irrigation uses the lion’s share of water. Here’s the typical breakdown:
Irrigation: 70-90%
Livestock and Animal Care: 10-20%
Domestic Uses (Drinking, Cooking, and Washing): 5-10%
Other Uses: 1-5%
Most are aware that drip irrigation is highly efficient compared to surface or sprinkler irrigation, but we’ve found on the Homestead, that sub-surface irrigation with olla cups not only saves even more water than a drip system, but it produces healthier plants, which produce more food. That’s why Jayson and Pamela Ross have replaced most of their garden watering with Thirsty Earth.
The Pinnacle of Garden Irrigation
How does it work?
The Thirsty Earth Olla watering system combines traditional olla principles with modern enhancements. This system uses porous clay pots buried in the soil near plants, with only the neck protruding above the surface for easy access. Unlike traditional ollas, the Thirsty Earth system features enclosed ollas connected to a water reservoir via small water lines. Water is fed into the ollas from the reservoir, ensuring a steady and controlled release of moisture.
When the water reservoir is filled, it supplies water to the ollas through the lines, maintaining a consistent level of water inside each pot. The porous nature of the clay allows water to seep slowly and evenly through the walls of the olla into the surrounding soil. This slow and steady release ensures that water is delivered directly to the root zone of the plants, minimizing evaporation and runoff, and providing a consistent supply of moisture. Plants absorb water as needed, maintaining an optimal level of hydration.
“The ultimate prepper irrigation system”
– Dean Sopher | Arkopia Farm & Freeze Dry
Olla watering systems are traditional irrigation tools that can be highly beneficial for a homestead in several ways:
Water Efficiency: Ollas are porous clay pots that are buried in the ground near plants. They slowly release water directly to the root zone, minimizing evaporation and runoff. This ensures that plants receive a consistent and efficient water supply.
Labor Saving: Once the Ollas are installed, they can be “set-it-and-forget-it as they deliver water based on plant needs. This reduces the need for manual watering, saving time and labor throughout the growing season.
Drought Resilience: During dry periods, Ollas help maintain soil moisture levels, supporting plant health and productivity. This is crucial for homesteads in arid or drought-prone areas.
Soil Health: By providing a slow and steady release of water, Ollas prevent soil erosion and nutrient runoff. They help maintain soil structure and fertility, promoting healthier plant growth.
Plant Health: Consistent moisture levels at the root zone reduce stress on plants, leading to better growth and higher yields. This is especially beneficial for vegetable gardens and planter boxes on your homestead or back-yard garden.
Eco-Friendly: Ollas are a sustainable and environmentally friendly irrigation method. They require no electricity to operate and can be reused year after year, reducing the environmental footprint of your irrigation system.
Versatility: Ollas can be used in various garden setups, including raised beds, container gardens, and traditional in-ground gardens. This versatility makes them suitable for any kind or size of homestead garden.
Homestead is coming to theaters Friday, December 20th. Purchasing an early bird ticket gets you the best price ($10) and guarantees your seat for what will be one of the biggest movies of the year.
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Sam Sheridan
Cherie Bolz
Jason Ross
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